The Lord’s Supper
Delivered By
Dr. Rodney Keith
Delivered On
December 29, 2024 at 11:00 AM
Central Passage
1 Corinthians 11:24
Look What The Lord Has Done For You


Truth Pointe Church

The Lord’s Supper

Dr. Rodney Keith                                         December 29, 2024


Look What Jesus Has Done For You


1 Corinthians 11:24



1.   The P_____________ That He P____________ For You

             PRICE                                   PAID


A: It Was A C______________________ Death.


        B. It Was A C______________________ Death.




2. The P____________ He Is P_________________ For You!

PLACE                               PREPARING


A. It Is A S_____________________________ Place.


B. It Is A S_____________________________ Place.



3. The P____________ He Is P________________ For You!

       PRAYERS                           PRAYING


A. He Is D____________I____________________ In You.

                  DEEPLY               INTERESTED


B. He Is D____________I____________________ For You.

    DAILY                INTERCEDING